photo | Feather and Twine Photography
We enjoy hosting dinner for our friends and family and we do so regularly. Huynh loves to cook and he especially fancies seafood. That night, Huynh told me some of our friends and family were going to come over to our house for dinner. More people showed up than usual, but I brushed it off thinking everyone was hungry. He made all sorts of seafood: crawfish, shrimp, crab legs, and lobster. It’s worth mentioning that I am a big ‘FRIENDS’ show fan. In the middle of dinner, Huynh asks me about the episode where Phoebe tells Ross “[Rachel] is your lobster!” Enthusiastically, I reenacted that part of the episode. And just like that, I turned to Huynh and he is down on one knee asking me to be his lobster with all of our friends and family around us.