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Wisteria + Nehemiah

Photos: Wolfheart Weddings


Wisteria + Nehemiah

She Got THE Ring & THE Dress in the Same Day

Nehemiah and I got engaged in the middle of the pandemic in 2020. I knew that the proposal was happening at some point, but I did not think he had even gotten the ring. Knowing that our engagement would be three months, I knew I needed to go dress shopping asap (even before the proposal) because of how long it can take to get a dress. After finding THE dress, I met up with Nehemiah and some of his friends. His friend suggested we take a walk. I did not want to take a walk. It was 100 degrees outside, but I figured, “it’s covid, everyone is taking walks right now, sure why not, I won’t be difficult, and I just met these people.” We got to an overlook spot on the walk, and the group slowed down as if they wanted to walk out further. I noticed that the girls had their phone cameras out, and immediately I thought, “no way it’s happening right now. He doesn’t even have the ring!” *nervously checks his pockets for a ring box* The group decides to continue walking along and randomly just turns around, stating, “there’s nothing here. Let’s go back to the overlook.” That was when I knew the proposal was happening, and I was very nervous. When we got back to the overlook spot, I could tell the rest of the group had walked back some. I was so nervous that I wouldn’t stop talking about cranes, construction, bikes, sidewalks, anything! Nehemiah just patiently sat smiling at me, waiting. He said, “I don’t know how to transition.” “I know,” I said. The next thing I knew, Nehemiah was on one knee and popped the question! We got married three months later, August 4th, 2020, in Yosemite, CA, at Taft Point.