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Health & Fitness

3 Ways to Kickstart Your Wedding Diet and Workout Plan

The days of “sweating for the wedding” or hopping on a fad wedding diet and workout plan to shed inches before the big day are thankfully over, but if you’re searching for ways to get healthy and nurture your body before the wedding, you’ve come to just the right place. Every body is beautiful and there is no one size for a bride! You deserve to feel your absolute best while walking down the aisle. If there are aspects of your health you’d like to improve on, we rounded up some of the very best ways to do so, all while keeping your mental health in mind. Read on for three ways to kickstart your wedding diet and workout plan in the months and days leading up to your wedding!


Wedding Diet and Workout Plan

Nutritionist: Julia Van Health | Photo: Sloane Photo


1. Self Care for Mental Health

During this time period, it is so important that you manage your stress in healthy and productive ways so you can show up for others and overcome wedding planning obstacles with ease. Self care, taking time for yourself and filling up your own cup first is the key to moving forward! You aren’t your best self when only functioning at 50%, so take time to recharge with a massage, nap, a movie night, a glass of vino, a bottle of nail polish – however you like to unwind. If you need more self care ideas, we gathered some of our faves below:


Nutritionist Austin

Nutritionist: Julia Van Health

2. Work with a Pro Nutritionist in Austin

In order to feel your very best, you may seek a change in diet, and it’s important to be armed with facts when doing so!  While there are plenty of changes you can make on your own, enlisting the help of a nutrition specialist like Julia Van Health can take your personal wellness to the next level. Her expertise will allow you peace of mind knowing you’re truly making health-conscious decisions that support your specific needs. Having access to a pro nutritionist means you can get answers to all your pressing questions and have a community to cheer you on every step of the way! Plus, her ultra-inclusive BRIDE Method helps you to navigate the wedding experience while working toward wellness-related wedding goals.


Pre Wedding Diet

Backed by the professional knowledge throughout the self-paced BRIDE Method, there are healthy ways to build your meals in ways that keep you full and satisfying without having to follow a meal plan! By signing up, you allow Julia Van Health to teach you exactly how to combat cravings, maintain consistent energy levels, support weight loss, body composition goals and more! The program educates so you feel confident to investigate ingredients in your food knowing exactly way to look for, and empowers you to remove the foods and habits that no longer serve you. With help, you can learn how to replace them with ones that do – without restriction!


3. Add in Some Pre Wedding Exercise

Whatever you can do to get active is great. Exercise doesn’t have to be rigorous to improve your health! Taking daily hot girl walks will get you moving and boost your mood, too. Invite your future bridesmaids along with you to talk bach party or wedding day details, or ask your fiancé along to take advantage of bonding time amid what can sometimes be pre wedding chaos. Go biking around the neighborhood or take a hike to stay grounded and release some of those feel-good endorphins.


Pre Wedding Workout Routine

No matter what exercise form you enjoy most, Julia Van Health‘s BRIDE Method promises to teach you to move your body in a way you crave, and that feels good. This is the best way to avoid exercise being something that you dread! We recommend creating a pre wedding workout routine centered around your favorite types of movement, but by signing up for The BRIDE Method, you will be guided through every step of your wellness journey.

Ready to elevate your wedding diet and workout plan? Connect with our fave Austin fitness + nutrition expert Julia Van Health here. Cheers!

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