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Hannah + Troy

Photos: The Crakes


Hannah + Troy


YES DAY! The day started like any other lazy Saturday. We soak up a lazy day when we are not visiting friends or family. Troy had woken up a little under the weather, so I suggested getting Chick-fil-a for breakfast. Everyone knows CFA can get the day started! Troy was all for getting some food, so I figured I would try to squeeze in a bit of errand. Next to Chick-Fil-A is a Target, and I needed to return some things I had received. I asked if we could go, to which he said, YES! I was LOVING this. After we went through the drive-through at CFA and returned everything to Target, we walked around since we were there. I went to the aisle to look at some white strips, put them in my hand, and asked if we could keep looking. We went to the home section and walked by the doormats. We needed one, so I asked if we could get a new one, and Troy said, ” Why not!” This was when he started using the phrase sure, “it’s Yes Day.” We walked through the clothes, and I picked out a workout top and even picked up Troy something as well! During my first sweep, I didn’t see any cute outfits to wear to dinner later with Amanda and Mikey, but of course, I made a second round. I knew the engagement was coming but had doubts about the weekend being ‘that’ weekend. I found a dress I liked, and we checked out and headed out of there before we dropped more money. We walked through a farmers market in the parking lot because WHY NOT? I suggested it, and it was YES DAY. When we got home, he asked me what we wanted to do before we needed to get ready for dinner. I suggested my typical things like cleaning the house, so he did it! Yard work, we did it! Take a nap. YOU BET WE DID IT – because it was YES DAY.


Finally, as we were preparing for dinner, Amanda texted us saying she didn’t want to go to the restaurant we had plans for due to them “already eating that type of food.” So we settled for a Mexican restaurant we go to frequently. Not nearly to the dress code I was expecting, so I sat and looked in the mirror, wondering if I should change. Troy threw lines at, “what if she is in leggings and you are wearing -that.” I slipped off my wedges and into flats, pondered changing outfits, and then he followed up with, “what if she is dressed up? You never know.” He really threw me for a loop. Anyway, I settled on dressing up, and I am glad I did! As we drove to El Monumento, I ironically saw some dudes walking in swimsuits and asked where they were coming from (you are welcome, Troy, perfect set up). He said, “oh, there is a watering hole down there. Wanna go see it?” I initially said, “eh,” but he said, “Amanda is running late anyway. We don’t want to start dinner without her.” So, I agreed to walk down there. The site was pretty cool, with a little waterfall, puppies running in the water, and the most distracting, people climbing and jumping in the water from rocks. It was SO distracting.


I walked right past the proposal site. Troy suddenly stopped me, made me turn around, and it was INSTANT DENIAL. “NO, NO, NO! This isn’t happening.” Troy pulled me under a large tree where he said words that I make him say every time I tell the story because I honestly blacked out. However, I did hear him address my full name and Will You Marry Me, so I know THAT happened. Out of the blue popped my girl Logan Crake (owner of the Crakes and best future wedding photographer), and she captured this AMAZING moment. We walked back to the restaurant where family and friends celebrated with us. It was one of the happiest days of our lives, but I know our marriage will top it!