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Wedding Inspiration

April Musgrove Weds Stephen Dolan | Romantic Holiday Wedding at Westwood Country Club

A romantic holiday wedding at Westwood Country Club was exactly what April and Stephen envisioned for their big day. We’re seriously in love with the gorgeous and festive seasonal florals crafted by Austin wedding florist Westbank Flower Market that perfectly complemented the dreamy candlelit venue. Cheers to April and Stephen!

Photos // Anne Marie Photography

Stephen and April lived less than a mile apart, but it ultimately took Tinder to bring them together! Their first date was during the College World Series when Vanderbilt, Stephen’s alma mater, played the University of Texas, April’s. Stephen sat with his back to the TV the entire evening and they talked for hours! April is difficult to surprise, and Stephen is terrible at keeping secrets, so all April had asked when they started talking about marriage was that the proposal be a surprise. Stephen showed up at April’s car, where it was parked at work, on Christmas Eve. He used her spare car key to hide in her driver’s seat. When April opened her car door, Stephen surprised her and popped the question! The couple was married at Westwood Country Club on December 3, 2016. Their reception was classic, warm and romantic.

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Other Local Vendors: 36th Street Events, Transportation Consultants, Serendipity Bridal, Bella Bridesmaids, Westbank Flower Market, Westin Austin Downtown, Westwood Country Club, Anne Marie Photography, Green Dot, Memphis Train Revue, GertieGlam & Co., Northwest Hills Pharmacy